
It’s Friday . . . and you know what that means!


I missed last week (again), so I’ve got 2 weeks worth of pictures to share! (You can follow me at paintandpillows)

Little Miss was baptized 2 weeks ago! She looked so adorable in her pretty little dress (gift from a co-worker) and her gorgeous headband (made by my sister). And my best friend is sooooooo excited to be a God Mama. She told me she’s gonna make people start referring to her as “The Godmother” instead of by her name!

Those cheeks! I just can’t. even. handle. it!

One of my oldest friends moved to Minneapolis this week. We’ve been friends for 16 years. That’s half my life, people! I’m so excited for her new adventures, but so sad for her to go. Saying goodbye was definitely hard. Lots of tears! Thank God for social media! Maybe she won’t seem so far away.

Little Miss rockin’ the bling The Godmother gave her! 🙂

Last Monday was my birthday. I celebrated by going on a lunch date with my two most favoritist people ever! Sushi! My hubby knows what I like 🙂

I finally decided to hang up the Johnny Jump-Up and see if Emma was big enough for it. She loved it! Of course. Little Miss Independent loves her freedom 🙂

More monsoon rains. Only this time, I came out of the nursery and Daddy and Little Miss were sitting at the back door watching the rain. Be still, my heart! I just love watching how much her loves and adores her. He’s such a good father!

The picture on the left was a couple weeks before Emma was born. It’s amazing to me the difference 4 months makes. She wasn’t here 4 months ago. She didn’t exist! Yes, she was alive and well in my belly, but she wasn’t a person yet. And I wasn’t a mother. Now I can barely remember what life was like without her. Crazy to think about.

My mom and I share the same birthday month. So we like to get together and go use all our awesome birthday coupons. This time we took Little Miss along for a three generations shopping trip.People, we were seriously out of the house, shopping, for 6 HOURS! And you know what? Emma was a freakin’ ANGEL the whole time! How on earth did I get so lucky??

We literally shopped til she dropped!

The U of A had their first football game last Friday. So we had to make sure Little Miss showed off her UA pride! Go Wildcats!

My sister got married on Saturday. Perfect excuse to play dress up with the baby. So adorable! I just love her! 🙂 right after taking our picture, my niece insisted that we take hers too. What a ham!

Doxie PJs. Gene Simmons tongue. Chubby cheeks. Love, love, love!’m trying to lose the baby weight. The gym is not an option and I don’t have a lot of time. Enter 21-Day Fix. Just 30 minutes, every day. I can do this!What’ve you been up to this week?


Linking up with Life Rearranged

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